With over twenty-five years of professional speaking experience and a degree in Communications from Loyola Marymount University, Jayla The Self Esteem Queen® inspires, empowers, uplifts, and motivates crowds. Not your ordinary cookie-cutter motivational speaker, The SEQ tailors each keynote, speech, workshop, or breakout session to the specifications of each client.
Jayla’s passion lies in empowering those who need to be uplifted. Jayla tells the truth about life and is known for her spontaneous and dynamic delivery while sharing powerful, result-driven techniques designed to immediately transform any audience. Her unique insight on life empowers others with the knowledge that success can be achieved no matter the obstacles. Whether it's a crowd of thousands, a group of hundreds, a circle of twenty, or one-on-one, when people leave a session with The SEQ, they leave ready to take immediate action in their lives.
Jayla's motto is, "Stop making excuses and start making adjustments." No matter the crowd's age range, the life lessons Jayla shares are guaranteed to ignite your audience to think, encourage self-reflection, and inspire consistent, positive change.
Jayla’s speaking programs are perfect for youth and adult audiences, and range from high school assemblies, youth conferences, and college retreats, seminars, corporate conferences, and corporate retreats. Jayla also speaks to and facilitates workshops and seminars for educators and teacher groups.
Lecture Topics
From Survival to Significance: The Four S's of Life
Learning to be the LEAD in Leadership (Learn, Educate, Advance Develop)
The Message in Your Mess:Understanding why bad things happen to good people
Creating a Life Plan
Gaining Self Esteem and Self Confidence
Faith Amidst Adversity
ABC's to making it against all odds (Authority, Belief, Creativity)
Letting the STAR within you shine (Striving Towards Achieving Results)
“I heard you speak at LMU (with rapper Yoyo and Professor Ramona Wright) my senior year and I wanted to tell you I enjoyed your speech and you are a blessing to students through encouragement. God is amazing and in remembering you, I will never give up. I also remember you at our BSU meeting, before skid row trip. God Bless & continue speaking and sharing what God can do! ...”
“Life does not always hand you roses but Jayla showed my program that it’s how you handle what is thrown at you that counts. She showed me that even in the darkest of times there is still light at the end of the tunnel if you believe that you can succeed. I truly appreciate the time and attention she gave to the clients of Helping Kids to Recover, Inc.”
“It was our pleasure to work with Jayla and the Foundation. The type of work that Jayla has done and is still doing is inspirational to us all and it was a real honor to not only hear her speak about Hill but also what she has achieved reaching out to children, teenagers, etc. across the nation. Jayla is doing an amazing effort to reach our youth. It was a real pleasure and I hope you all continue the fantastic work.”
“Your message is so powerful, and I am sure you inspired many of our students, but I know you also inspired a great many of my teachers. I am certain it rekindled the flame of some of my teachers who are losing their zeal. I had several discussions today and asked students, “Where are you at in the four S’s? Are you surviving or are you becoming significant?” It fostered some genuine and meaningful dialogue.”
“I just wanted you to know that I needed those words that you spoke today. Some things I had been dealing with and everything I needed to hear spewed out of your mouth. I thank God for you the messenger of his words. Love you and I truly appreciate and respect who you are and what you do. Continue to be blessed and be a blessing.”
“I’ve known Jayla since 1992 when she was one of my students... She was a leader then, and she’s a leader now. I’ve watched Jayla command the attention of 2,500 high school students while delivering a message that left an impression on them for months after.
I’ve also received feedback from a lot of teachers who say the conversation Jayla started on the football field has continued in the classrooms. It is rare that someone so raw, and so truthful leave such a lasting impression on so many.
“Jayla is one of those rare individuals who takes her personal stories and life lessons and uses them as an example to promote change in others instead of promoting the victim mentality. Listening to Jayla speak will transform your audience and have them inspired to become victors not victims.
You and your story were very inspirational. I enjoyed very much speaking with you in the short time we had together. You are doing great things and there is no doubt in my mind that you are helping every individual you come in contact with.
Keep up the great work!
Thank you,”
“One student indicated the talk by Jayla as the most important thing that she learned, going on to say how motivating and exciting the talk was. Specifically the student stated that “her story motivated me even more to go after my dreams. Much of her struggle was similar to mine. I denied it so long because of my double-life but I am clear now, social work is my calling.”
I continue to marvel at her ability to tell her story always in a different way and always relating directly to the individual student in the class. Equally importantly, she motivates me!”