Facebook & Twitter Friends have said:
I have come to a point in my life where everything around me has fallen apart. I’ve faced darkness, isolation, depression, and anxiety against some of the ways of the outside world. But in the past few months, one of the greatest trials I have faced is my family. Im a 22 year old college student just trying to make it. But at times it feels like I have no where to call home. By watching your video I have realized that my vulnerability is human relationships. My deepest fear lies in my ability to not “connect” with other people. I feel alone. But despite my own trails I am happy to say that from this day forwards I am willing to forgive.”
“Hey Jayla and Tony
You don’t know me....but I just wanted to let you know that you are an inspiration. I’m sitting here trying to think about what to do next on this journey and sometimes I feel like I’m going backwards. As long as I have the LORD with me...I know everything will work out. :)
Just reading your story and seeing your pictures..... makes me feel so inspired. Please continue to KEEP THE FAITH and I hope you know...... that the way you are living your life SPEAKS VOLUMES to so many on every level and at every age. Love ya girl...take care.
“After reading your blog, I was so touched. FINALLY, I found someone that I identified with. While reading your blog ,I burst out in tears because you were putting my life into perspective . When you explained how the relationship with your uncle led to so many other bad things in your life. (you hit the nail right on its head )I can go on and on but what I really wanna say is : you inspire me. I have found new hope! Thanks for being you.”